I think spring is my favourite season, almost all of my favourite flowers show up at this time of year and the inspiration is wonderful. Flowers that appear later in the year just don't have the same appeal to me, I much prefer cheerful little primroses to blousy roses, I love the frills and flounces of irises but dahlias leave me a bit cold. I keep searching for late summer flowers which will give me the same thrill of excitement but so far I search in vain.
Here's one of the earliest spring flowers, the glorious magnolia stellata which has the most amazing shape and is tough enough to stand up to the late snow showers and frosts. I'll be honest, white flowers aren't my favourites, I prefer colour, but if you look closely you see yellows and pinks and blues within the white petals.
Magnolia Stellata - 15" x 11", watercolour on Fabriano Artistico extra white |
This morning I see the first iris opening in the garden and I've been painting last years flowers, anticipating the thrill of seeing each new bud burst..... I love spring!
Hi, Ruth,
So beautiful work!!
Cheers, Sadami
Thank you Sadami!
Wonderful watercolor, you are a master with the flowers! :)
Hello Ruth:) Beuatiful painting. I love the colors surrounding the flowers. Very nice job!
Hola Ruth. Pintar flores es muy gratificante.Tus magnolias están realizadas con gran delicadeza. Saludos.
¡Qué sutil y delicadas esas magnolias tan bien logradas!!Felicitaciones
Hi Mari Jose, thank you for looking in and leaving such a lovely comment!
Hi Renate, I wanted something different from the standard sky blue and decided quin. gold and a slightly greyed blue would work, I'm glad you like them, thank you!
Hi Sonia and Mercedes, my Spanish is bad but I am pretty sure I understand your comments without using google translate, and you are both very kind, thank you!
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